Welcome to the SS-AT project website! In this website, you can obtain and share digital data of assistive devices and tools that can be manufactured by 3D printers, as well as useful information for consultations on their adaptation. By sharing our experiences, we aim to provide and utilize assistive devices and tools that are suitable for the lives of users.
Welcome to the SS-AT project website! In this website, you can obtain and share digital data of assistive devices and tools that can be manufactured by 3D printers, as well as useful information for consultations on their adaptation. By sharing our experiences, we aim to provide and utilize assistive devices and tools that are suitable for the lives of users.

Keyguard for iPhone 7 and 6s (for Calculator)

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SS-AT Project
2017/09/08 00:00
2021/09/24 16:35


This is a keyguard for the built-in calculator app of iOS10 on iPhone 7&6s. The size and number of the holes can be customized for the user.

Tips for adaptation

Tips for design

Tips for printing

  • FDM 3Dプリンターで出力する場合、表側を下(天地逆)に配置するとサポート無しで綺麗に出力できます。



iPhone7Keyguard1 … iPhone 7&6s キーガード
iPhone7 mock … iPhone 7&6s モック